The Garland Pose Of Yoga Is One Of Best Pose Ever

Malasana also known as the garland pose, the squat pose is an asana. Mala – Garland, necklace, Asana – Pose; Malasana is also called Upavesasana or Garland Pose. It is, quite simply, a squat. Squatting comes naturally to kids and people who work in the fields. However, those who have desk jobs have lost practice and find it painful and uncomfortable to do it. But that should not discourage you from doing this asana because it is, in fact, most beneficial to those who have a sedentary lifestyle. Malasana is a mild hip opener that stimulates your metabolism while stretching your groin and hips. During each exercise, make sure to maintain a focus on your breathing. Malasana has deep roots in the grounding properties of yoga, helping us restore aspects of our lives and spirituality that we may have lost or forgotten. The need to “ground” oneself can be satisfied through the regular practice of this pose among your yoga routines. This pose taps into our downward-flowing energy known as ...