Running is one of the best ways to exercise and get in shape. It requires minimal equipment and gear, it can be done almost anywhere, and you don’t need lessons. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. One benefit of running is you can get a great workout in a short period of time. But this is because running requires you to be both aerobically fit and to have great stamina. It’s especially hard at the beginning when your body hasn’t become accustomed to running. 1. GET GOOD RUNNING SHOES AND CLOTHES One of the joys of running is that it doesn’t require boatloads of gear. But you will need a few things to be comfortable and avoid injury. So what do you need? The most important piece of gear is a good pair of running shoes. Now is not the time to dig out your worn, dirty 4-year-old shoes from the back of your closet. Make sure your shoes are in good condition and are designed for your unique foot and stride profile. If you’ve never been fitted for shoes, go to a ru...