5 Most Effective Side Fat Attack WorkOuts

Flab around the sides and waist is generally directly associated with overall body fat; the more fat you have, the more it accumulates around your middle. Abdominal flab is not only annoying, but also it’s unhealthy. The Mayo Clinic notes that excess belly fat can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Fortunately, there are several good exercises for flab on the sides and waist that will help improve your health and physique. Although they’re referred to as love handles, there’s nothing to love about the excess flab at the sides of your waistline. The muscles underneath that layer of fat are known as your obliques. Although their function is to rotate your torso, it’ll take more than torso rotations to get rid of the fat. Reducing fat in one area of your body isn’t possible. Instead, focus on losing weight from your entire body, and as the fat reduces, so will the fat around your middle. Exercises to Reduce Side Fat: 1. ...