10 Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss

There’s a good news for all fruit lovers who wants to lose weight fast, now you don’t have to starve or follow a strict diet anymore to shed those extra kilos, Simply try out these delicious, refreshing calorie less fruits for snacking and you’re ready to flaunt that slim figure.These fruits that are mentioned below has 50 calories or less per 100 g.

1. Cherry:

Cherries are wonderfully delicious fruits that are packed with unique antioxidants and healthy nutrients. Cherries are loaded with potassium that helps to lower cholesterol, lose weight and lower blood pressure.

Cherry calories per 100 g – 50 calories.

2. Oranges:

Orange is one of the most delicious and healthy citrus food. It is extremely high in vitamin C, a water-soluble antioxidant that helps remove harmful toxins from our body, oxidizes fatty acids and improves immunity. Oranges are good source of calcium that keeps your bone healthy and strong. They keep your body well hydrated and reduce the amount of calories in your diet.

Orange calories per 100 g – 47 calories.

3. Apple:

Not only does the fibre in apples help you eat less, the fruit also increases metabolic rate thereby leading to weight loss. It is also good for your heart and your immune system.

Apple calories per 100 g – 47 calories.

4. Papaya:

Papaya contains no cholesterol and is low in calories. Papayas are extremely good source of antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin A, that boost immunity and destroys free harmful radicals. It also contains notable amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium that regulates your body metabolism. Being a good source of dietary fiber it keeps your heart healthy and active.

Papaya calories per 100 g – 43 calories

5. Peach:

Peach is a nutritious juicy fruit that are low in calories and has no saturated fat. They are packed with essential vitamin A,E,C,K and minerals that our body needs to work properly. Vitamin C promotes the health of the immune system and cardiovascular diseases. Peaches contain dietary fiber that helps lower your cholesterol levels, prevents constipation and fights obesity.

Peach calories per 100 g – 39 calories.

6. Bananas:

The soluble fiber in the fruit lowers the desire to binge. Have bananas with your breakfast as it give you a slimmer waistline and improves your immunity. They are also great for a post workout munch. Replace those chocolate energy bars with a banana after a heavy workout.

89 calories in 100 grams of Bananas.

7. Lemons:

Lemons are a good source of Vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, iron and magnesium, as well as fiber, Vitamin B6, calcium, potassium and folate. They’ve been shown to help suppress weight gain and the accumulation of body fat, while improving insulin resistance. The flavonoids in lemon also aid in the digestion process.

Lemon calories per 100 g – 27 calories.


Watermelon is one of the healthiest and fat-free foods.It is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene and beta-carotene that neutralize free radicals in our body. It also contains vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, dietary fiber and other nutrients that boosts metabolism to help our body to burn fat fast. Unlike other fruits, watermelon contains high amounts of water about 92% that helps fight water retention in our body thus promoting weight loss.

Watermelon calories per 100 g – 30 calories.

9. Grapefruit:

Studies have shown that grapefruit can help to lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. It’s also a great diet add-on to help reach a weight loss goal. Grapefruit can improve insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome and help maintain a healthy weight.

Grapefruit calories per 100 g – 34 calories.

10. Strawberry:

Strawberry is a sweet juicy fruit that contains powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Studies show that strawberries are the best source of vitamin C and vitamin B6 that protects from oxidative damage and helps in reducing belly fat. It also contains good amount of manganese, an antioxidant mineral that strengthen bones, enhance immune system and contribute in fat loss.

Strawberry calories per 100 g – 33 calories.



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